
SelVCD™ Gate Driver Demo Board

You guessed it, it blinks! But there is more.

Blinky is a portable device that visualizes how the revolutionary SelVCD™ works. But what is SelVCD™, you ask? It stands for Selectable Variable Current Drive, and it’s the feature that allows the Performance IsoDrivers to dynamically control their output current at a constant sourcing or sinking rate, or “speed”. Learn more about the SelVCD™ here.

Blinky demonstrates all 8 speed settings of the Performance IsoDrivers through the brightness intensity of an LED. The speed setting is controlled by a rotary switch, with numbers 0 to 7 indicating the lowest to highest speed settings, which also corresponds to the lowest and highest LED brightness. Each rotary switch setting activates a connection to a resistor in an array which in turn connects to the SPD pins of the Performance IsoDriver. There is also an “AUX” setting which allows for rapidly cycling back and forth through all output current settings of the Performance IsoDriver, thereby causing the LED to pulsate.

In test mode, Blinky emulates the Performance IsoDriver driving a capacitive load such as a SiC FET, GaN FET, or IGBT. External signals can be sent to the isolated gate driver using a function generator, and the resulting output currents and voltages observed on an oscilloscope.


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