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Consumer - Wireless Audio / Video

Wireless Audio / Video

Skyworks is an industry leader in semiconductors and has years of experience servicing consumer technology industry. With years of experience and in-house manufacturing capability, we are enabling breakthrough communication platforms from global industry leaders – changing the way we live, work and play. Through our broad technology expertise and one of the most extensive product portfolios in the industry, we are Connecting Everyone and Everything, All the Time.
  • Connecting Everyone and Everything, All the Time.


White Paper Isolator vs. Optocoupler Technology isolator-vs-optocoupler-technology.pdf
White Paper Effective Design Techniques for Signal and Power Supply Isolation Effective-Design-Techniques-for-Signal-and-Power-Supply-Isolation.pdf
Application Notes AN892: Design Guide for Isolated DC-DC Using the Si882xx/883xx AN892.pdf